Electronic Components PRO :One of the best application for electronics, references, tools and profesionals. This is the PRO version, without ads and containing additional features.In the resources section, you can enjoy now* Ascii codes* Table Radio Frequency* AWG Table Odds* Resistivity of the Table* IF Table Prefixes* Micro SD Card Pinout* Cables & Adapters* PS2 for Serial Mouse* Mini DIN DIN Keyboard* VGA Video Macintosh* APC UPS Smart Cable* Ports Pc Pinout* Microchip PIC ICSP Pinouts* Atmel AVR ISP Pinouts* LCDs pinout* Line 2 16 Char (16 * 2) LCD* Hitachi HD44780 LCD* 128 * 64 LCD Graphic* Nokia 3110 LCD* GSM SIM Pinout* ATX Power Supply Connector* Arduino pinout* Fiber Optic Color Codes* Raspberry Pi Rev 1 Broaching* Raspberry Pi Rev 2 Brooches* Raspberry Pi B + Pinout* XLR & DMX Pinouts* Jack connector* BeagleBone Broaching* Computer Beep CodesAnd in the "Electronic Components Symbols" section, we have:* Resistance Symbol* Capacitor Symbol* Inductor Symbol* Symbol Diode* Symbol Transistor* Logic Symbol* Symbol SwitchesAnd in the "Circuit RL, RC and RLC" section, we have:* Electronic Components Symbols* RL Series Circuit* RC Series Circuit* RLC Series CircuitIf you like this app, please rate it on the market.